Hello everyone!
In this post I'll share some tips about designing your blog.There are few little things you can do to to improve your blog design that make huge difference.Having a good looking design is very important because design is first thing that people notice when they visit your blog and you want to make it the best you can.I hope this little tips can help you and if you have any questions feel free to ask me,I'm happy to help.
FONTS-Please use fonts that people can easily read,before you choose the font make sure that the letters are clean and readable.Having a font that no one can read won't help you with growing your blog.
COLOURS-When choosing a design and theme for your blog think about colours,what colours you'll use, will these colours go together,etc.I think that 2 or 3 colours are enough,don't use too many,make it simple and clean.
SIDEBAR-Clean out your sidebar,remove everything you don't need.Having a well organised sidebar will make your blog look more tidy and clean.It will be easier for people to find what they're looking for.
SOCIAL MEDIA AND CONTACT DETAILS-Make sure to put photo of you and short bio on top of page so that people can know who you are and what your blog is about.Also make sure that all your contact details are somewhere on top of your site and easily accessible.
PHOTOS-Make all your photos the same size.The same size photos really help for your blog to look better,more organised and professional.
By the way,if you would like me to write a tutorial on how to make your about me photo,just let me know!
Do you have any tips for improving blog design? Share them in the comments.
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HEADER-Adding a good looking header to your blog really makes a huge difference,your blog looks more put together and professional.This post from Wonder Forest can help you with making good header.
FONTS-Please use fonts that people can easily read,before you choose the font make sure that the letters are clean and readable.Having a font that no one can read won't help you with growing your blog.
COLOURS-When choosing a design and theme for your blog think about colours,what colours you'll use, will these colours go together,etc.I think that 2 or 3 colours are enough,don't use too many,make it simple and clean.
SIDEBAR-Clean out your sidebar,remove everything you don't need.Having a well organised sidebar will make your blog look more tidy and clean.It will be easier for people to find what they're looking for.
SOCIAL MEDIA AND CONTACT DETAILS-Make sure to put photo of you and short bio on top of page so that people can know who you are and what your blog is about.Also make sure that all your contact details are somewhere on top of your site and easily accessible.
PHOTOS-Make all your photos the same size.The same size photos really help for your blog to look better,more organised and professional.
By the way,if you would like me to write a tutorial on how to make your about me photo,just let me know!
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